Hermes/Austria produces Premier Quality Wide Assortment of Wet/ Dry Waterproof Flexible Emery paper that offers extremely high range of finishes for sanding down hard and rough surfaces including high-end watch movements and many more applications.
Hermes premier quality emery paper offers shiny, smooth and pleasant finish to the processed products.
Ideal for wet sanding, this silicon carbide abrasive paper from Hermes features a long-wearing, waterproof (B-weight) backing that is extremely flexible. Silicon carbide abrasives are resin-bonded into the backing, giving you exceptional efficiency and a longer service life. This abrasive paper is suitable for metals, glass, ceramics and stone, and can be used either wet or dry.
• Perfect for sanding metals, automotive finishes and for sanding between coats of interior house paint.
• Made with Silicon Carbide grain which retains its sharpness throughout its sanding life.
• Used dry, or to reduce clogging, use water as a lubricant.
High performance Silicon Carbide
Closed coat waterproof sanding sheets
Resin over Resin Bond
Flexible sanding sheets
Anti slip coating ensures good handling
Use of water prevents clogging and allows for dust free sanding
Ideal for sanding primer, putty, filler, lacquer, and final painting/surface prep
Also used by the Jewelry industry to sand, smooth, and polish out surfaces
Can be used by hand
Available in Quantities of 5, 10, 25, 50, or a full box of 100
2000 - 9 Micron - Emery # 4/0